Padma is a prominent coach in the ​field of Self-Image Transformation, ​igniting inner drive in others for over 15 ​years. He has helped thousands elevate ​to their truest potential. Today, he ​assists individuals in discovering the ​motivation, discipline, and ​determination within them to guide ​them towards success in all areas of ​life. With a strong desire for everyone ​to live up to their full potential."

4th ABN bodybuilding league Former Personal Trainer Former Monk Mentored by the late Bob Proctor Owner of Top Tier Painting Decorating Owner of Shifting Self Image

Are you Stuck in a rut?

Are Ready for change?

Do you want to Say goodbye to the same old results!

Are you feeling sluggish?

Do you feel like a fresh start?

Do you desire to Transform your future?

Are you eager to Escape the cycle

& Embrace a new beginning?

Are you tired of feeling stuck?

Your solution is here!"

Say goodbye to average. Say hello to a new you!

Unleash your potential. Begin your journey today!"

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Book your free ZOOM ​call today and pave the ​way to excellence!"

"Shifting Self-Image" is a ​captivating book that illuminates ​the transformative power of ​self-perception. With insightful ​reflections and practical ​exercises, the author guides ​readers on a journey of self-​discovery and empowerment. ​Well-structured and engaging, ​this book is a valuable ​companion for anyone seeking ​positive change in their life.


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"Welcome to Shifting Self Image, where we guide you on a ​transformative journey to unlock the extraordinary power of your ​self-image and reshape your life.

Our personalized services are carefully crafted to empower you, ​amplify your confidence, and revolutionize the way you perceive ​yourself. Let's embark together on a path of self-discovery and ​empowerment, where every shift in your self-image paves the way ​for a brighter, more authentic you." Padma

What is self image

Self-image is the mental picture an individual holds of themselves, including their beliefs, perceptions, and feelings about their own identity, abilities, and worth. This self-image is not necessarily an accurate reflection of reality but rather a subjective construct shaped by past experiences, social interactions, and internalized beliefs.

According to this perspective, individuals' self-images ​play a crucial role in shaping their behaviors, ​attitudes, and overall life outcomes. People tend to ​act in alignment with their self-image, seeking ​validation and behaving in ways that are consistent ​with how they see themselves. If someone holds a ​negative self-image, they may engage in self-​sabotaging behaviors, experience self-doubt, and ​struggle to reach their full potential.

On the other hand, individuals with a positive self-image ​are more likely to demonstrate confidence, resilience, and ​a growth mindset. They are better equipped to overcome ​challenges, pursue their goals with determination, and ​navigate setbacks with a sense of self-assurance. ​Cultivating a positive self-image involves challenging and ​reframing negative beliefs, practicing self-compassion, ​setting and achieving goals, and surrounding oneself with ​supportive relationships and environments.

Ultimately, self-image influences not only how ​individuals perceive themselves but also how they ​interact with the world around them. By ​understanding and consciously shaping their self-​image, individuals can empower themselves to ​lead more fulfilling, authentic, and purpose-​driven lives.

The impact of a negivtive Self image

A negative self-image can have a significant impact ​on an individual's life and overall well-being. When ​someone holds a negative perception of ​themselves, it can influence various aspects of their ​life, including their relationships, performance, and ​mental health.

1. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

2. Impact on Mental Health

3. Interpersonal Relationships

4. Professional Growth

5. Physical Health

Worried small business owner
Stressed Woman

Overall, a negative self-image can create a cycle of ​limiting beliefs and behaviors that hinder personal ​growth, happiness, and fulfillment. It is essential for ​individuals to work on improving their self-perception, ​practicing self-compassion, and seeking support when ​needed to break free from the constraints of a negative ​self-image.

What we offer

Shifting Self Image empowers you to conquer self-doubt, break free ​from limiting beliefs, and unleash your true potential—even in the ​face of past pain and struggles that have clouded your self-image. ​No obstacle is too great; we're here to help you transform, rise ​above, and reclaim your confidence and self-worth with unwavering ​strength.

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Experience a transformational journey with Shifting Self Image

The 30 day Shift

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“30 day Shift program”

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What else is for offer

> Free Webinars: Join our engaging webinars to ​unlock the secrets of self-image enhancement and ​empowerment.

> One-on-One Coaching Calls:Receive personalized ​guidance and support tailored to your unique self-​image goals.

> lf-Image Workshops: Immerse yourself in our ​empowering workshops designed to redefine your ​self-perception and boost your confidence.

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